Chinese HSK 1
Mandarin Chinese
Days: Mon, Wed, Friday
Duration: 16 classes of 2 hours

HSK 1 (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Level 1)


Welcome to HSK 1, the perfect starting point for your journey into Mandarin Chinese! This beginner-level course is designed for absolute novices or those with minimal exposure to the language. HSK 1 is your gateway to mastering basic Chinese communication skills, focusing on fundamental vocabulary and essential grammar. Get ready to embark on a linguistic adventure that opens doors to new cultural experiences and global opportunities.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Acquire a vocabulary of approximately 150 basic words and phrases.
  • Understand and use simple sentence structures.
  • Develop foundational listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
  • Engage in basic conversations on everyday topics such as greetings, shopping, and family.
  • Gain an introductory appreciation of Chinese culture and customs.

Who Should Enroll?

HSK 1 is designed for beginners with no prior knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. This course is ideal for students, professionals, travelers, or anyone with a keen interest in learning a new language from scratch.

Course Content

The curriculum is carefully structured to cover the following fundamental areas:

  1. Basic Vocabulary

    • Learning essential words and phrases for everyday interactions.
    • Vocabulary related to daily activities, personal information, and common objects.
  2. Simple Grammar and Sentence Structures

    • Introduction to basic grammatical rules and sentence patterns.
    • Practice constructing simple statements, questions, and commands.
  3. Listening and Speaking

    • Emphasis on accurate pronunciation and tonal practice.
    • Listening exercises and speaking drills for effective communication.
  4. Reading and Writing

    • Recognition and writing of basic Chinese characters.
    • Reading simple texts such as signs, menus, and short descriptions.
  5. Cultural Introduction

    • Overview of Chinese traditions, festivals, and everyday customs.
    • Fun cultural activities such as learning basic calligraphy and traditional songs.

Teaching Methodology

Our teaching approach combines engaging, interactive methods to make learning enjoyable and effective:

  • Interactive Lessons: Multimedia content including videos, songs, and games.
  • Practical Exercises: Real-life scenarios and role-plays to practice language skills.
  • Personalized Attention: Regular feedback and support from experienced instructors.
  • Cultural Immersion: Activities that introduce students to Chinese culture in a fun and engaging way.

Course Materials

Students will have access to:

  • Official HSK 1 textbooks and workbooks.
  • Digital resources with interactive exercises and online quizzes.
  • Supplementary materials such as flashcards and simple readers.

Assessment and Certification

  • Regular quizzes and assignments to track progress.
  • Final practice test to prepare for the official HSK 1 exam.
  • Certificate of completion for students who successfully finish the course and pass the final assessment.

Enrollment Details

  • Duration: 8 weeks, with two 60-minute sessions per week.
  • Mode: Available both online and in-person.
  • Cost: Competitive pricing with discounts for early registration and group enrollments.

Join our HSK 1 course and take the first step towards mastering Mandarin Chinese! With a blend of foundational language training and cultural exploration, you’ll be well-equipped to communicate in basic Chinese and build a strong base for further learning.

Ready to Enroll?

Sign up today and start your Mandarin learning journey with us. 你准备好了吗? (Are you ready?)

Chinese HSK 2
Mandarin Chinese
Days: Flexible
Duration: 30 class of 2 hour

Mandarin Chinese HSK 2 Course: 

Welcome to the Mandarin Chinese HSK 2 Course, designed to prepare you for the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) Level 2 exam. This course is ideal for learners who have a basic understanding of Chinese (equivalent to HSK Level 1) and are ready to expand their skills to an elementary level, focusing on improving their ability to understand and use everyday Chinese in practical situations.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Engage in Basic Conversations: Communicate effectively in simple conversations about familiar topics, such as daily routines, hobbies, and basic personal information, using short sentences and common expressions.
  • Improve Listening Skills: Understand spoken Chinese in various contexts, including daily conversations, simple instructions, and short narratives, focusing on key details and main ideas.
  • Develop Reading Skills: Read and comprehend short, simple texts, including personal messages, notices, and everyday written materials, with the ability to recognize familiar words and basic sentence structures.
  • Enhance Writing Skills: Write simple sentences and short paragraphs on familiar topics, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
  • Cultural Awareness: Gain insights into Chinese culture, customs, and daily life, enhancing your ability to interact appropriately in Chinese-speaking environments.
  • Exam Preparedness: Master the specific skills and strategies needed to succeed on the HSK Level 2, including character recognition, grammar, vocabulary, and reading and listening comprehension.

Key Features

  • Interactive Learning: Participate in dynamic classes that promote active use of the language through dialogues, role-playing, and practical exercises.
  • Authentic Materials: Engage with a variety of real-life resources, such as dialogues, stories, and multimedia content, to practice Chinese in contexts relevant to everyday life.
  • Comprehensive Vocabulary and Characters: Learn and practice the approximately 300 words and 150 characters required for the HSK Level 2, expanding your ability to understand and use Chinese effectively.
  • Grammar and Sentence Structure: Focus on essential HSK Level 2 grammar points, including basic sentence patterns, verb usage, and common connectors, to improve both comprehension and expression.
  • Cultural Exploration: Explore aspects of Chinese culture through multimedia content, discussions, and activities, covering topics such as festivals, traditions, and daily life in China.
  • Exam Strategies: Gain familiarity with the HSK Level 2 format and develop specific techniques for tackling each section of the exam and managing your time effectively.

Course Structure

  • Duration: 10 weeks
  • Format: Online and in-person options available
  • Classes: 2 sessions per week, each lasting 1.5 hours
  • Assignments: Weekly homework, including vocabulary and character practice, reading and listening tasks, and writing exercises
  • Assessment: Continuous assessment through quizzes, assignments, and mock exams to track your progress and readiness for the HSK Level 2

Who Should Enroll?

This course is ideal for learners who:

  • Have completed a Mandarin Chinese HSK Level 1 course or have equivalent knowledge.
  • Wish to advance their Chinese language skills for personal, travel, academic, or professional purposes.
  • Are preparing to take the HSK Level 2 exam and seek comprehensive preparation to enhance their chances of success.

Enrollment Information

  • Start Dates: Flexible start dates available throughout the year
  • Tuition: Detailed pricing and payment plans available upon request
  • Requirements: Completion of a placement test or proof of HSK Level 1 proficiency

Additional Support

  • Language Exchange Opportunities: Connect with native speakers or fellow students for additional conversational practice and cultural exchange.
  • Supplementary Workshops: Optional workshops focused on specific skills, such as character recognition or listening comprehension techniques.
  • Resource Access: Access a wide range of supplementary learning materials, including HSK practice tests, educational games, and curated multimedia content.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from expert teachers who specialize in teaching Chinese and preparing students for the HSK exams.
  • Engaging and Fun Classes: Enjoy a learning environment that combines education with engaging activities, making language acquisition enjoyable and effective.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose the learning format that best suits your schedule and preferences, whether online or in-person.
  • Comprehensive Exam Preparation: Benefit from focused instruction and practice designed to help you succeed on the HSK Level 2 exam.
  • Cultural Immersion: Immerse in Chinese culture through engaging content and activities, enriching your overall learning experience.

Join our Mandarin Chinese HSK 2 Course and take a significant step towards enhancing your Chinese language proficiency. Prepare effectively for the HSK Level 2 and open up new opportunities for communication and cultural exploration!

Chinese HSK 3
Mandarin Chinese
Days: Flexible
Duration: 30 class of 2 hour
Starts on: சனி, 22 மே 2021, 5:00 PM

Mandarin Chinese HSK 3

Welcome to the Mandarin Chinese HSK 3 Course, a comprehensive program designed to prepare you for the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) Level 3 exam. This course is ideal for learners who have an elementary understanding of Chinese (equivalent to HSK Level 2) and are ready to progress to an intermediate level. Focused on enhancing your ability to communicate effectively in everyday and slightly more complex situations, this course will build your skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Communicate in Everyday Situations: Engage in conversations about daily life, hobbies, interests, and personal experiences, using more complex sentences and expressions with improved fluency.
  • Improve Listening Skills: Understand spoken Chinese in various contexts, including longer dialogues, announcements, and narratives, focusing on main ideas and specific details.
  • Develop Reading Comprehension: Read and comprehend intermediate-level texts, such as short essays, articles, and personal letters, with the ability to grasp main points and some detailed information.
  • Enhance Writing Skills: Write coherent sentences and short paragraphs on familiar topics, using a wider range of vocabulary and grammar structures.
  • Cultural Awareness: Gain deeper insights into Chinese culture, customs, and societal norms, enhancing your ability to interact appropriately in Chinese-speaking environments.
  • Exam Preparedness: Master the specific skills and strategies needed to succeed on the HSK Level 3, including character recognition, grammar, vocabulary, and reading, listening, and writing comprehension.

Key Features

  • Interactive Learning: Participate in dynamic classes that promote active use of the language through dialogues, role-playing, and practical exercises.
  • Authentic Materials: Engage with a variety of real-life resources, such as dialogues, short stories, and multimedia content, to practice Chinese in everyday and slightly more complex contexts.
  • Comprehensive Vocabulary and Characters: Learn and practice the approximately 600 words and 300 characters required for the HSK Level 3, expanding your ability to understand and use Chinese effectively.
  • Grammar and Sentence Structure: Focus on essential HSK Level 3 grammar points, including complex sentence patterns, verb usage, and the use of connectors, to improve both comprehension and expression.
  • Cultural Exploration: Explore aspects of Chinese culture through multimedia content, discussions, and activities, covering topics such as festivals, traditions, and contemporary life in China.
  • Exam Strategies: Gain familiarity with the HSK Level 3 format and develop specific techniques for approaching each section of the exam and managing your time effectively.

Course Structure

  • Duration: 12 weeks
  • Format: Online and in-person options available
  • Classes: 2 sessions per week, each lasting 2 hours
  • Assignments: Weekly homework, including vocabulary and character practice, reading and listening tasks, and writing exercises
  • Assessment: Continuous assessment through quizzes, assignments, and mock exams to track your progress and readiness for the HSK Level 3

Who Should Enroll?

This course is ideal for learners who:

  • Have completed a Mandarin Chinese HSK Level 2 course or have equivalent knowledge.
  • Wish to advance their Chinese language skills for personal, travel, academic, or professional purposes.
  • Are preparing to take the HSK Level 3 exam and seek comprehensive preparation to enhance their chances of success.

Enrollment Information

  • Start Dates: Flexible start dates available throughout the year
  • Tuition: Detailed pricing and payment plans available upon request
  • Requirements: Completion of a placement test or proof of HSK Level 2 proficiency

Additional Support

  • Language Exchange Opportunities: Connect with native speakers or fellow students for additional conversational practice and cultural exchange.
  • Supplementary Workshops: Optional workshops focused on specific skills, such as character recognition or listening comprehension techniques.
  • Resource Access: Access a wide range of supplementary learning materials, including HSK practice tests, educational games, and curated multimedia content.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from expert teachers who specialize in teaching Chinese and preparing students for the HSK exams.
  • Engaging and Fun Classes: Enjoy a learning environment that combines education with engaging activities, making language acquisition enjoyable and effective.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose between online and in-person classes to fit your schedule and learning style.
  • Comprehensive Exam Preparation: Benefit from focused instruction and practice designed to help you succeed on the HSK Level 3 exam.
  • Cultural Immersion: Immerse in Chinese culture through engaging content and activities, enriching your overall learning experience.

Join our Mandarin Chinese HSK 3 Course and take a significant step towards advancing your Chinese language proficiency. Prepare effectively for the HSK Level 3 and open up new opportunities for communication and cultural exploration in the Chinese-speaking world!

Chinese HSK 4
Mandarin Chinese
Days: Monday to Friday
Duration: 120

HSK 4 Course: Step Up Your Mandarin Mastery!

Ready to take your Mandarin Chinese skills to the next level? Our HSK 4 Course is designed to guide you through the intermediate stages of your language learning journey, equipping you with the tools to communicate confidently in both everyday and professional settings. Whether you're aiming to ace the HSK 4 exam or simply want to enhance your fluency, this course has got you covered.

Course Highlights

1. Comprehensive Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Grammar Mastery: Delve into more complex sentence structures, modal particles, and nuanced uses of grammar. Understand the subtle differences that can change meanings and improve your ability to form accurate, sophisticated sentences.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: Learn the 1,200 essential words and phrases required for HSK 4. Cover a wide range of topics, including business, travel, and social issues, to ensure you can navigate diverse conversations with ease.

2. Advanced Reading Skills

  • Authentic Texts: Engage with real-world reading materials, from news articles to short stories. Develop the ability to understand and analyze intermediate-level texts, boosting your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
  • Contextual Learning: Improve your understanding of context and cultural references, helping you interpret texts more accurately and respond appropriately.

3. Listening Proficiency

  • Interactive Listening Exercises: Train your ears with a variety of audio materials, including dialogues, interviews, and speeches. Learn to catch key details and infer meanings even when you don't understand every word.
  • Real-World Scenarios: Practice listening in contexts that mirror real-life situations, such as business meetings, social gatherings, and travel-related conversations.

4. Speaking Confidence

  • Fluency Focus: Participate in structured speaking exercises that emphasize fluency and accuracy. Practice discussing topics in-depth, expressing opinions, and making persuasive arguments.
  • Pronunciation Perfection: Fine-tune your pronunciation and intonation to sound more like a native speaker. Receive personalized feedback to help you improve.

5. Writing Skills

  • Structured Writing Practice: Learn to write clear and coherent essays, reports, and emails. Master the art of organizing your thoughts and presenting arguments logically.
  • Model Answers and Feedback: Study high-scoring sample answers and receive detailed feedback on your writing assignments to help you improve continuously.

Who Should Enroll?

This course is ideal for learners who have a solid foundation in Mandarin (HSK 3 level or equivalent) and are ready to tackle more complex language challenges. Whether you're a student, professional, or avid language enthusiast, the HSK 4 course will help you achieve your language goals.

Why Choose Our HSK 4 Course?

Expert Instruction: Learn from experienced teachers who are experts in preparing students for the HSK exams.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Cover all aspects of language learning—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—with a balanced and thorough approach.

Interactive Learning: Engage with interactive lessons, real-world scenarios, and practical exercises that make learning enjoyable and effective.

Cultural Insights: Gain deeper cultural understanding and context, which are crucial for mastering a language and performing well in exams.

Personalized Feedback: Receive tailored feedback and support to address your specific learning needs and ensure continuous improvement.

Get Started Today!

Join our HSK 4 course and take a significant step towards Mandarin fluency. Whether you're preparing for the HSK 4 exam or simply seeking to enhance your communication skills, our course will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to succeed.

Enroll Now and unlock new opportunities with your improved Mandarin proficiency!

"Language is the gateway to understanding culture and connecting with people." - Anonymous

Let's open that gateway together with our HSK 4 Course!

Chinese HSK 5
Mandarin Chinese
Duration: 2pm to 4pm

HSK 5 (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Level 5)


Welcome to HSK 5, an intensive and immersive course designed to propel your Mandarin Chinese proficiency to an advanced level. This course is tailored for dedicated learners who are eager to deepen their understanding of Chinese language and culture, and who aspire to achieve high levels of fluency for academic, professional, or personal enrichment. HSK 5 is a significant milestone that signifies your ability to navigate complex language structures and engage in sophisticated conversations.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Command a vocabulary of approximately 2500 words and related phrases.
  • Grasp and apply complex grammatical structures.
  • Achieve proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in varied contexts.
  • Engage confidently in discussions on a wide range of topics, including current events, social issues, and professional scenarios.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture, history, and contemporary society.

Who Should Enroll?

HSK 5 is designed for learners who have completed HSK 4 or possess an equivalent level of Chinese proficiency. This course is ideal for advanced students, professionals, and anyone aiming to further their Chinese language skills for higher education or career opportunities.

Course Content

The curriculum is meticulously crafted to cover the following key areas:

  1. Advanced Vocabulary and Idioms

    • Extensive learning of high-frequency words and idiomatic expressions.
    • Contextual usage through essays, news articles, and formal dialogues.
  2. Complex Grammar and Syntax

    • In-depth exploration of advanced grammatical structures and their applications.
    • Detailed study of sentence patterns, clauses, and connectors.
  3. Listening and Speaking

    • Advanced listening exercises involving news reports, lectures, and discussions.
    • Speaking practice focusing on fluency, pronunciation, and formal presentations.
  4. Reading and Writing

    • Comprehensive reading practice with literary texts, reports, and essays.
    • Advanced writing tasks including argumentative essays, summaries, and reports.
  5. Cultural and Contemporary Insights

    • Detailed exploration of Chinese history, literature, and modern societal trends.
    • Engagement with current events and cultural phenomena through multimedia resources.

Teaching Methodology

Our approach blends rigorous academic training with interactive and practical experiences:

  • Interactive Lessons: Engaging content, including videos, debates, and project-based learning.
  • Discussion-Based Learning: Encouraging critical thinking and in-depth discussions.
  • Personalized Guidance: Tailored feedback and one-on-one sessions to address individual learning needs.
  • Real-World Applications: Simulations and role-playing activities to practice real-life language use.

Course Materials

Students will have access to:

  • Official HSK 5 textbooks and workbooks.
  • Digital platforms offering interactive exercises and online assessments.
  • Supplementary materials such as academic journals, news articles, and literary works.

Assessment and Certification

  • Regular quizzes and assignments to monitor progress.
  • Comprehensive mock exams to prepare students for the official HSK 5 test.
  • Certificate of completion for students who successfully finish the course and pass the final exam.

Enrollment Details

  • Duration: 16 weeks, with two 120-minute sessions per week.
  • Mode: Available both online and in-person.
  • Cost: Competitive pricing with discounts for early registration and group enrollments.

Join our HSK 5 course and take your Mandarin Chinese skills to the next level! With a blend of challenging coursework, cultural immersion, and interactive learning, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the HSK 5 exam and communicate with confidence in a variety of complex settings.

Ready to Enroll?

Sign up today and embark on a transformative journey towards Mandarin fluency. 你准备好了吗? (Are you ready?)

Kids Chinese YCT 1
Mandarin Chinese
Days: Flexible
Duration: 30

Chinese YCT 1 - Unlocking Mandarin Magic for Beginners

Welcome to the Chinese YCT 1 Course, your first step into the enchanting world of Mandarin Chinese! Whether you're a young student eager to learn a new language or a parent seeking an educational adventure for your child, this course is designed to make learning Chinese both fun and effective.

Course Overview

Our Chinese YCT 1 (Youth Chinese Test) course is tailored for absolute beginners, especially young learners. With engaging activities, interactive lessons, and a focus on practical language use, students will quickly build a strong foundation in Mandarin. By the end of this course, students will be prepared to ace the YCT Level 1 test and communicate confidently in basic Chinese.

What You'll Learn

  • Basic Vocabulary: Master over 80 essential words, including greetings, numbers, family members, and everyday objects.
  • Simple Sentences: Construct basic sentences for everyday communication, such as self-introductions and simple questions.
  • Pronunciation: Perfect the tones and sounds of Mandarin through fun exercises and audio-visual aids.
  • Listening Skills: Understand simple spoken Chinese in various contexts through interactive listening activities.
  • Reading and Writing: Recognize and write basic Chinese characters, making the language more accessible and less intimidating.

Course Highlights

  • Interactive Lessons: Engaging and interactive lessons that make learning Mandarin fun and exciting.
  • Cultural Insights: Discover fascinating aspects of Chinese culture, traditions, and festivals to enrich your language learning experience.
  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from certified and passionate Mandarin teachers who specialize in teaching young learners.
  • Practice and Review: Regular quizzes, games, and flashcards to reinforce your learning and track your progress.
  • Supportive Community: Join a community of fellow learners, share your experiences, and practice Mandarin together.

Why Choose Our Course?

  • Child-Friendly Approach: Designed with young learners in mind, using age-appropriate materials and methods.
  • Proven Success: Our curriculum aligns with the YCT standards, ensuring students are well-prepared for the YCT Level 1 exam.
  • Flexible Learning: Access lessons anytime, anywhere with our online platform, allowing for self-paced learning and review.
  • Fun and Engaging: With songs, stories, and games, learning Mandarin becomes an adventure rather than a chore.

Course Structure

  • Unit 1: Hello, Chinese!

    • Greetings and introductions
    • Basic phrases for everyday use
    • Fun with tones and pronunciation
  • Unit 2: Numbers and Colors

    • Counting from 1 to 10
    • Learning colors through interactive activities
    • Simple math in Mandarin
  • Unit 3: My Family and Me

    • Introducing family members
    • Talking about age and relationships
    • Creating a family tree in Chinese
  • Unit 4: Everyday Objects

    • Common objects in the classroom and at home
    • Asking and answering "What is this?" questions
    • Describing objects with basic adjectives
  • Unit 5: Food and Drinks

    • Naming favorite foods and drinks
    • Simple dialogues about eating and drinking
    • Fun cultural facts about Chinese cuisine

Enrollment Information

Ready to embark on your Mandarin learning journey? Enroll today and take the first step towards mastering Chinese! Our course is open for enrollment year-round, with new sessions starting every month. Sign up now and discover the magic of Mandarin with us!

Course Duration: 10 weeks
Class Schedule: Flexible online access with weekly live sessions
Tuition Fee: $200 (includes all materials and resources)
Age Group: Recommended for ages 6-12

For more information and to register, visit our website or contact our admissions team. Let's make learning Mandarin an exciting and rewarding experience together!

Unlock the door to a new world of opportunities and cultural understanding with our Chinese YCT 1 course. Ni hao, and welcome to your Mandarin adventure!

Kids Chinese YCT 2
Mandarin Chinese
Days: Flexible
Duration: 30 hours

Chinese YCT Level 2 Course: 

Welcome to the Chinese YCT Level 2 Course, a specially designed program to prepare young learners for the Young Learners Chinese Test (YCT) Level 2. This course is ideal for children who have a basic foundation in Chinese (equivalent to YCT Level 1) and are eager to build on their skills, focusing on expanding their vocabulary and improving their ability to understand and use simple Chinese in everyday situations.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Engage in Basic Conversations: Communicate effectively in simple conversations about familiar topics such as family, school, and daily activities using short sentences and common expressions.
  • Improve Listening Skills: Understand basic spoken Chinese in contexts such as classroom instructions, simple stories, and everyday conversations, focusing on key words and main ideas.
  • Develop Reading Skills: Read and understand short, simple texts, including dialogues, stories, and instructions, with the ability to recognize and comprehend familiar words and phrases.
  • Enhance Writing Skills: Write basic sentences and short paragraphs on familiar topics, using appropriate vocabulary and simple sentence structures.
  • Cultural Awareness: Gain insights into Chinese culture, customs, and everyday life, enhancing their ability to interact appropriately in Chinese-speaking environments.
  • Exam Preparedness: Develop the specific skills and strategies needed to succeed on the YCT Level 2, including character recognition, basic grammar, and vocabulary, and reading and listening comprehension.

Key Features

  • Interactive Learning: Participate in engaging classes that promote active use of the language through games, role-playing, and fun activities tailored for young learners.
  • Authentic Materials: Utilize a variety of age-appropriate resources, such as stories, dialogues, and multimedia content, to practice Chinese in contexts relevant to young students' lives.
  • Comprehensive Vocabulary and Characters: Learn and practice the approximately 150 words and 80 characters required for the YCT Level 2, expanding the ability to understand and use Chinese effectively.
  • Basic Grammar and Sentence Structure: Focus on essential YCT Level 2 grammar points, including basic sentence patterns, verb usage, and common connectors, to improve both comprehension and expression.
  • Cultural Exploration: Explore aspects of Chinese culture through multimedia content, stories, and activities, covering topics such as festivals, traditional games, and daily life in China.
  • Exam Strategies: Gain familiarity with the YCT Level 2 format and develop specific techniques for tackling each section of the exam and managing time effectively.

Course Structure

  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Format: Online and in-person options available
  • Classes: 2 sessions per week, each lasting 1.5 hours
  • Assignments: Weekly homework, including vocabulary and character practice, reading and listening tasks, and simple writing exercises
  • Assessment: Continuous assessment through quizzes, assignments, and mock exams to track progress and readiness for the YCT Level 2

Who Should Enroll?

This course is ideal for young learners who:

  • Have completed a Chinese YCT Level 1 course or have equivalent knowledge.
  • Wish to advance their Chinese language skills for personal, academic, or cultural purposes.
  • Are preparing to take the YCT Level 2 exam and seek comprehensive preparation to enhance their chances of success.

Enrollment Information

  • Start Dates: Flexible start dates available throughout the year
  • Tuition: Detailed pricing and payment plans available upon request
  • Requirements: Completion of a placement test or proof of YCT Level 1 proficiency

Additional Support

  • Language Exchange Opportunities: Connect with native speakers or fellow students for additional conversational practice and cultural exchange.
  • Supplementary Workshops: Optional workshops focused on specific skills, such as character recognition or listening comprehension techniques.
  • Resource Access: Access a wide range of supplementary learning materials, including YCT practice tests, educational games, and curated multimedia content.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from expert teachers who specialize in teaching Chinese to young learners and preparing students for the YCT exams.
  • Engaging and Fun Classes: Enjoy a learning environment that combines education with fun, making language acquisition enjoyable and effective.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose between online and in-person classes to fit your schedule and learning style.
  • Comprehensive Exam Preparation: Benefit from focused instruction and practice designed to help students succeed on the YCT Level 2 exam.
  • Cultural Immersion: Immerse in Chinese culture through engaging content and activities, enriching the overall learning experience.

Join our Chinese YCT Level 2 Course and take the next step towards mastering intermediate Chinese. Prepare effectively for the YCT Level 2 and open up new opportunities for communication and cultural exploration for young learners!

Kids Chinese YCT 3
Mandarin Chinese
Days: Wednesday
Duration: 2 hours 20 class

YCT 3 (Youth Chinese Test Level 3)


Welcome to YCT 3 (Youth Chinese Test Level 3), a dynamic and engaging course designed to elevate your Mandarin Chinese proficiency to new heights. Whether you're a young learner with a passion for languages or a parent seeking an enriching educational experience for your child, YCT 3 is the perfect stepping stone toward fluency and cultural appreciation. This course builds on the foundations laid in YCT 1 and YCT 2, guiding students through a more complex and nuanced understanding of the Chinese language.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Master a vocabulary of approximately 300 words and phrases.
  • Understand and use basic grammar structures and sentence patterns.
  • Develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in everyday contexts.
  • Gain confidence in participating in simple conversations on familiar topics.
  • Appreciate Chinese culture and customs through interactive lessons and cultural activities.

Who Should Enroll?

YCT 3 is designed for young learners aged 7-15 who have completed YCT 2 or have equivalent knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. This course is ideal for students who are eager to improve their language skills and prepare for the YCT 3 exam.

Course Content

The curriculum is structured around the following key components:

  1. Vocabulary Building

    • Focus on practical and frequently used words and phrases.
    • Contextual learning through stories, dialogues, and role-plays.
  2. Grammar and Sentence Structures

    • Introduction to more complex grammatical concepts.
    • Practice with sentence formation and common language patterns.
  3. Listening and Speaking

    • Emphasis on pronunciation, tone accuracy, and conversational skills.
    • Interactive listening exercises and speaking drills.
  4. Reading and Writing

    • Reading comprehension activities using short passages and dialogues.
    • Writing practice with character formation and sentence construction.
  5. Cultural Exploration

    • Fun and educational insights into Chinese traditions, festivals, and daily life.
    • Activities like calligraphy, traditional games, and music appreciation.

Teaching Methodology

Our teaching approach combines the best of traditional and modern methods:

  • Interactive Lessons: Engaging multimedia content, including videos, songs, and games.
  • Small Group Activities: Encouraging collaboration and peer learning.
  • Personalized Feedback: Regular assessments and personalized feedback to track progress.
  • Immersive Environment: Simulated real-life situations to practice language skills.

Course Materials

Students will have access to:

  • Textbooks and workbooks aligned with YCT 3 standards.
  • Digital resources, including interactive exercises and online quizzes.
  • Supplementary reading materials and flashcards for vocabulary reinforcement.

Assessment and Certification

  • Periodic quizzes and assignments to gauge understanding and retention.
  • Mock exams to prepare students for the official YCT 3 test.
  • Certificate of completion for students who successfully finish the course and pass the final exam.

Enrollment Details

  • Duration: 12 weeks, with two 90-minute sessions per week.
  • Mode: Available both online and in-person.
  • Cost: Competitive pricing with discounts for early registration and group enrollments.

Join us in the YCT 3 course and take the next step in your Mandarin Chinese journey! With a mix of rigorous academics, cultural enrichment, and interactive fun, you'll be well on your way to mastering YCT 3 and beyond. Plus, who knows? Maybe you'll even find yourself haggling in fluent Mandarin at a bustling Beijing market someday.

Ready to Enroll?

Sign up today and let’s embark on this exciting adventure together. 你准备好了吗? (Are you ready?)

Kids Chinese YCT 4
Mandarin Chinese
Days: Saturday
Duration: 30 class of 1 hour

YCT 4 Course

Course Overview

Embark on an exciting journey to mastery of the Chinese language with our YCT 4 Preparation Course! This course is meticulously designed to equip learners with the skills and confidence needed to excel in the Youth Chinese Test (YCT) Level 4. Whether you're a young scholar with dreams of studying in China or simply eager to deepen your understanding of this fascinating language, our course will pave the way for your success.

What You'll Learn

  1. Advanced Vocabulary and Grammar:

    • Master over 600 new vocabulary words and complex sentence structures.
    • Dive deep into idiomatic expressions and common phrases used in daily conversations.
  2. Listening Comprehension:

    • Sharpen your listening skills through engaging audio exercises.
    • Understand spoken Chinese in various contexts, from casual dialogues to formal speeches.
  3. Reading Proficiency:

    • Enhance your ability to read and comprehend texts on familiar topics.
    • Analyze short passages, stories, and articles to improve reading fluency.
  4. Writing Skills:

    • Practice writing essays, personal letters, and narratives.
    • Learn to express your thoughts clearly and coherently in written Chinese.
  5. Speaking Fluency:

    • Participate in interactive speaking exercises to boost your conversational skills.
    • Gain confidence in expressing opinions, discussing topics, and responding to questions.

Course Features

  • Expert Instructors: Learn from experienced teachers who are passionate about Chinese language education.
  • Interactive Lessons: Engage with a variety of multimedia resources, including videos, audio clips, and interactive quizzes.
  • Practice Tests: Take mock exams that simulate the actual YCT 4 test environment to gauge your progress.
  • Personalized Feedback: Receive constructive feedback on your performance to help you improve continuously.
  • Cultural Insights: Explore Chinese culture through themed lessons, enhancing your contextual understanding of the language.

Why Choose Our Course?

  • Proven Success: Our students consistently achieve high scores on the YCT 4 exam.
  • Flexible Learning: Study at your own pace with our user-friendly online platform, accessible anytime, anywhere.
  • Comprehensive Materials: Gain access to a wealth of study materials, including textbooks, workbooks, and supplementary resources.
  • Community Support: Join a vibrant community of learners and participate in discussion forums, study groups, and cultural exchange events.

Course Structure

  1. Introduction and Placement Test: Kick off the course with an initial assessment to tailor the learning experience to your needs.
  2. Modules 1-5:
    • Module 1: Vocabulary Expansion and Basic Grammar
    • Module 2: Listening and Speaking Practice
    • Module 3: Reading Comprehension and Text Analysis
    • Module 4: Advanced Writing Techniques
    • Module 5: Mock Tests and Exam Strategies

Enroll Now

Ready to conquer YCT 4 and open doors to new opportunities? Enroll in our YCT 4 Preparation Course today and take the first step towards becoming a proficient Chinese speaker. Don't just learn the language—live it, experience it, and excel in it!

Bonus: Fun Fact

Did you know that Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, with over a billion native speakers? By mastering YCT 4, you're not just preparing for an exam—you're joining a global community of Chinese speakers and enhancing your future career prospects.


Our YCT 4 Preparation Course is more than just a language class—it's an adventure into the heart of Chinese culture and communication. With our comprehensive curriculum, expert guidance, and supportive community, you'll be well on your way to YCT 4 success and beyond. Enroll now, and let's make learning Chinese an exhilarating and rewarding experience!